Catholic Kids4Kids FAQs

I'm a teacher, can I make a bulk submission on behalf of my class?

Please fill out our Contact form and select "Kids4Kids" in the Service dropdown. Please indicate the ages and the themes that you would like to focus on and we will arrange something for you.

Where can I see what I have submitted or make corrections?

This project is very new and more features are coming. We hope to add a smoother upload process and a login portal to keep track of your family submissions soon. At this time, if you need to submit a correction, please submit your corrected work on the form with a note explaining that it's a correction in the comments section. If you need to know what you have submitted, provide your contact information and question on our Contact form.

What information do you collect about my child?

As little as possible. For submission, we do require first and last name, age and state. We will never publish the last name; we have it solely for our records to keep track of content. We do not sell the information of anyone aside their credit (first name, age, state) in a book, if their entry is chosen. Furthermore, all children must submit a signed parental consent form with their submission for their entry to be considered. Any submissions from children that do not have a signed parental consent form will be deleted without being read. We do require an email for the parent/guardian so that we can contact them on the status of their child's submission.

What can a 0 year old or a toddler submit?

For infants/toddlers (ages 0 - 2), they can submit scribbles - we can utilize things like this in background textures of a page. For instance, the design on the Catholic Kids4Kids logo was taken from the scribbles of a two year old. This age group can also fingerpaint/handprint/footprint something with your help or you can submit a cute thing that they say, or you can share a story about them. Maybe they say, unsolicited, goodnight to their favorite saint, etc.

In a future publication, should there be enough interest, we would like to create a book dedicated to children who were miscarried. The theme would center around honoring the memory of these infants, where submissions would include prayers, drawings, poems, etc., from the siblings of the little one(s). In addition, we would allow submissions of the first name(s) and date(s) [month/year] of the child(ren) for a special dedication. Please email us if you are interested in this book possibility.

Wouldn't the 14-18 age group be considered too old for a "kids" book?

Maybe. After the initial books, we will be able to better gauge the best average age for Catholic Kids4Kids. If we receive enough submissions from this older age group, we may consider creating a new series just for them, and if possible, with partnering sponsors, a scholarship program. Meanwhile, we feel that this age group can add value to the quality of our current series and we see no reason to exclude them.

My family is not Catholic. May we still submit content?

We do not ask about your Catholic status. All submissions will be judged according to the current Marian, virtue, and saint categories. However, only content in alignment with the dogmas of Catholicism will be selected for publication. In a situation of ambiguity, we may correct a submission for clarification. For instance, a child in innocence may write: "Mary has many children", meaning that we are all her spiritual children as opposed to Mary having a number of physical children. Catholics believe in Mary's perpetual virginity. So as to not imply that Mary had more biological children in addition to Jesus, which is heretical for us to say. Instead, we would change their text to read: "Mary has many spiritual children", etc. That being said, not all submissions need be "religious". For instance: a theme about "creation" can include drawings about your child's favorite bird, or a theme about valor can include a fictional tale about dragons. As long as the submissions are not opposed to the dogmas of the Catholic faith, they are eligible.

Why does my child keeps submitting but is never incorporated in the books?

Due to the limitation of space, we are unfortunately unable to publish every submission. Please follow these guidelines to improve your child's chances:

  1. Do not submit anything contrary to Catholic dogma.
  2. You must submit a signed parental release with your work.
  3. Have a clear connection to the theme.
  4. Be original. Do not plagiarize from books or the internet or elsewhere.
  5. Be creative. (For a theme on gardens, most people will probably submit flower drawings; instead, perhaps submit an illustration of a praying mantis, or other components of a garden. In a story about St. Joseph, instead of retelling the story from Scriptures, your child can write about one of his virtues, or something he is the patron of, or why he is special to your family, etc.)

How are the themes chosen?

The themes are chosen at the discretion of the publisher. However, we are collaborating with families to determine interest and appropriateness. We want the contest to be both fun and challenging. We are open to saint suggestions, particularly those that may be lesser known. These Marian titles, virtues and saints are currently being considered for future themes. Feel free to email us to request a title, virtue or saint that you would like considered.

Copyright questions

Who owns the copyright of the book?: X-Iota Development owns the copyright of the final product. All entries will receive credit in the book for their submission. Furthermore, by submitting an entry, you, the parent, are verifying that your child has not plagiarized any content and that they are not submitting any work already under copyright.

How long does the publisher reserve the right to publish a submitted work?: X-Iota-Development reserves the right to publish any work submitted here exclusively. Submitters can reach out at any time requesting that the publisher revoke their right to publish any non-published works via our Contact form.

Other uses of submitted works: X-Iota Development reserves the right to use all artwork and submitted materials in other marketing materials (such as stickers, flyers, etc.). A representative from X-Iota Development will contact the email address corrlated to any submission to notify of the use of submitted materials as a courtesy. X-Iota Development will own works created from submissions and will issue no royalties or other compensation to the submitters outside of the prizes detailed in other FAQs.

Do you offer external advertising or sponsorship opportunities for the books?

Yes! But because the purpose of the books is to publish content created for kids by kids, we will not have any advertising in any of the books, except as either a logo or recognition on a dedication/thank you page, or on the Kids4Kids section of this website. Unfortunately, this is all that we are able to offer. We will only offer this opportunity to like-minded businesses as this is a Catholic publication. Email us for further details or to discuss alternate partnerships.