Terms and Conditions

X-Iota-Development's Catholic Kids4Kids Art & Writing Book Submissions (Hereinafter "Kids4Kids")

No Purchase Necessary

No purchase is necessary to participate in the books. All submissions are digital, so only those with access to a computer, phone and/or scanner will be able to submit works, but this should be doable at a library for those who do not have access in the home. Special accommodations may be made for those who contact us via the Contact form, provided the accommodations are reasonable and the company is able to assist. Whether to offer a requested accommodation is at the sole discretion of the company and no higher recourse will be offered.


Entrants submit original writings and artwork related to one or more of the theme categories in order to win entry into a book published at the end of the curation and editing periods. Entries that are selected will be notified via the email that they provide on submission that their entry was chosen, and for which book.

Valid Entries (Eligibility)

Only people who submit an original writing or artwork and are under the age of 19 at the time of submission will be deemed eligible. To be considered valid, an entry must contain no plagiarism and no copyrighted material. Entries that use quotations should have their sources cited. Maximum length of writing submissions is 1,000 words. Maximum file size of artwork is 5MB. Files must be submitted in the proper file formats (pdf, doc, docx, odt, jpg, or png). All entries from people aged 18 and under at the time of submission must be accompanied by a signed Parental Release Form. Any submission from someone under 18 years old that does not include a signed form will not be reviewed and will be removed from the database within 30 days of submission.

How To Submit

All entries should be submitted to our Kids4Kids page. For any other accommodations, please see the top of this page.


We value your privacy. We require only enough information to actually run the program for the books. A parent name (for kids under 18), child name, age, email address, and the actual submission, are all that we ask you to submit. We take your privacy seriously and will never sell to third parties any information obtained in relation to this project. We will use names of participants in the publication of the book, to give proper credit to the writers/artists. Anyone who wishes to remain anonymous should check that option on the form. Checking the anonymous submission on the form still will require a fully filled out form, but the name would not be published. In the case of an anonymous submission, an age and state may still be used. Any information obtained that is not in accordance with COPPA will be deleted as soon as the webmaster is made aware of the material and has a reasonable amount of time to purge records.

Limitation of Liability

X-Iota-Development shall not be liable should a project not garner enough attention or submissions to make publication possible and/or viable. All publication is solely at the discretion of X-Iota-Development. Furthermore, if anyone submits a plagiarized work and it escapes the notice of the publishers and judges, and it causes the company to be sued for damages, the company reserves the right to file suit against the offending party to recover damages. Any/all disputes will be subject to the jurisdiction of Atlanta, GA.

Social Media

We do not have/use social media. Any entity that has an official relationship with X-Iota-Development shall have no liability for this program or the content of the books, or any derivative products.